Friday, March 28, 2014

Ol' Man On A Mountain Weekly Passage and Yiddish Word of the Week

Dear Former Students, Colleagues and New Friends,

I thought you might like to know about my new book, Ol' Man On A Mountain (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Good Reads). I've taken to sending out a passage from the book to selected persons; as well, since this is the only book about Appalachia that I know of with a Yiddish glossary, I will be sending a Yiddish word with each passage. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I loved writing it. 

Please find information on my book through Facebook, blog, Amazon, Barnes and Noble :

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He was eyeing the chains, sold up here, like everything else, off enormous rolls by the linear foot. Big chain here was Big Chain. We're not talking bicycle-lock-for-when-you-run-into-the supermarket-for-milk chain. We're not talking plastic-sleeved-cable-to-secure-your-racing-bike chain. We're talking serious linkage. Steel to secure your average work elephant's ankles. BIG! We're talking keeping T Rex at bay. We're talking Rambo. We're talking Dante in hell to secure the world's most heinous offenders. 
"Noah, don't you think maybe this is a little overkill. I'm not expecting Soviet tanks."
He looked at me with those trusting eyes. "Don't know them people. Do know bad folks come up there with a chain cutter they're in for surprise at Stew an' Jan's. Nope, this is what you want."

Yiddish Word:

Definition: A truly decent human being; someone who does the right thing, regardless of circumstance. 
A mensch can be rich, poor, city, country. He is a real mensch.


Dr. O

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