Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ol' Man On A Mountain

This is my new blog and I am very excited and extremely nervous and intimidated about how all this technology stuff works.  I am going to be 73 years old and have been teaching, writing, and directing theater my entire career.  And all of it has included paper and pencil.  My three sons are all technology mavens.  After five years of work, I have just written and published a new book, Ol' Man On A Mountain.


  1. Last night as we sat on the porch on our old rocking chairs waiting forthe next downpour, we saw a gorgeous fat, intensely colored rainbow. We think the most beautiful we've ever seen . We are waiting to hear that Ol Man on a. Mountain has come out in paperback.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tada! Ol Man On A Mountain is getting read and reviewed by lots of people ... And they really, really love it!

  4. So gratifying. five book clubs have chosen Ol Man.

  5. I don't know if anyone is reading this. Seems a tad self serving to me, but modern sons insist I blog, soooooooooooooooo.

    Most fun I'm having now is writing about the creation of Orlando Shkespeare Festival, now Theater, .
    Title Lunatics and Lovers--- the chars., the plays within plays, the power struggles as it got more and more popular and therefore valuable as a social- political property-- really like being a principal in a minor league Sh. play. First chapter roughed out and it's a hoot!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm reading it dad! haha ! that's all that matters, uh, and the other 40 5-stary reviews you've gotten on Amazon! haha

  8. I'm reading it dad! haha ! that's all that matters, uh, and the other 40 5-stary reviews you've gotten on Amazon! haha
